I was shopping on Granville Island yesterday and as per usual, I passed a million things I wanted to buy. Of course, I talked myself out of 999,997 of them.
What about the other 3 you ask?
I stopped to remind myself that I work hard every. single. day. We all do. In some capacity or another, we work hard. Especially for all of you mamas out there, I am sure you have put your own needs on the back burner time and time again to ensure your mini has everything they want and need.
Even you non-mamas out there — each of us human beings are constantly giving of ourselves and sometimes we forget that we deserve a little something every now and again to treat ourselves. We rationalize that we don’t need it, shouldn’t buy it, can’t afford it… and while most of the time this is true, it is important to take care of ourselves and nurture our inner being.
Whether it be a gift for our mind, our body or our soul, making sure we are treating ourselves every so often is SO important.
It motivates us. It rewards us. It nourishes us.
It’s funny how treating yourself to something little, can really make such a difference in how you feel. I have noticed that when my own needs are met, I am more inclined to help others meet their needs. As I am sure you have all heard before, self-care is always a first step to helping others. Think of the domino effect this could have for the world! Something as simple and easy as treating ourselves!!!
I decided on the peanut butter brownie bar for my body (you will notice it is not featured in the below photo — treating myself included immediate gratification on that one…) The flowers for my soul. The book for my mind (well, and my soul and apparently after reading a few pages, it will have positive results for my body too! lol). *On a separate note, this book has become my new bible! I highly recommend it. A staple for every woman!!!!
So don’t wait for someone to buy your flowers. Don’t wait until your birthday for that dessert. Don’t wait until Christmas for that book.
Do it now. Treat yourself. Even if it’s only in some small way. You deserve it. It will make you feel happy, and in turn, you are likely to radiate that to the world in some way or another.
Happy treating!