Food for thoughtMama Message Surviving Baby’s Vaccinations I strongly encourage you to read up on the vaccinations that your child will be getting prior to arriving at your health clinic. In addition…Melissa JanineNovember 9, 2016
Gift IdeasMama MessageShopping Christmas Gift Ideas While the rule of thumb is no Christmas talk until after Remembrance Day (for good reason), it does not mean that we can't think about…Melissa JanineNovember 7, 2016
FashionMama MessageProduct Review A Nursing Bra for Bedtime Looking for the perfect nursing bra that you are able to sleep in? I look for the following qualities in a nursing bra that I…Melissa JanineNovember 6, 2016
Daily QuoteFood for thought Daily Quote – November 6, 2016 My brother and I went strolling down Main Street here in Vancouver on Friday afternoon. A trip isn't complete without a visit into GG &…Melissa JanineNovember 6, 2016
Out and About Stars and Strollers A colleague of mine told me about this! Cineplex offers what is called "Stars and Strollers" for parents and babies! What is this you ask?…Melissa JanineNovember 3, 2016
DiningRecipes Quick Dinner Idea In keeping with the "being on mat-leave" theme, this is a great time to try a new recipe or two each week! One of my…Melissa JanineNovember 2, 2016
Food for thoughtMama Message Forget the Phone? Now more than ever I am reaching to grab my phone, whether it is to chat with friends or endlessly browse on social media. I…Melissa JanineNovember 2, 2016
Daily QuoteFood for thought Daily Quote – November 2, 2016 " about forty days without food, three days without water, about eight minutes without air… but only one second without hope." Hal LindseyMelissa JanineNovember 2, 2016